Open post

Psychophysiology: Your body speaks, even when you don’t listen

Picture this. You are walking down a busy street when you get a text message from a close friend. It’s a funny message, so you respond immediately, and the two of you engage in a fun back-and-forth. You are so absorbed in the conversation that, when it’s time to cross the street, you don’t even think to check if any cars are coming. As soon as you step into the street, a fast bus passes in front of you loudly honking . Fortunately, you are safe and sound, but the scare that you got certainly made you look up from your phone. You feel your heart pounding,your hands sweating. Someone stops to ask if you’re okay and they notice how large your pupils look.
Open post

The Marseille Event

Between June 21st and 24th the second COBRA training event took place—which we affectionately insist on referring to as the Marseille event, even though it once again could not take place physically, now at Aix-Marseille University. Most of the event was dedicated to courses given by COBRA’s senior researchers. In his lectures Computational Models of...

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