The fourth COBRA training event took place from the 27th of June to the 1st of July 2022 in Ferrara, in the heart of beautiful Italy.
In this outstanding venue, the COBRA Early-Stage Researchers had the privilege to follow courses given by Stefan Benus (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava) on alignment between speakers in conversation, by Leonardo Lancia (Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle) on the mathematical analysis of time series in inter-individual interactions, and by Delphine Potdevin and Sébastien Biaudet (DAVI, Puteaux) on conversational agents.
In addition, a hackathon coordinated by Thierry Legou (Laboratoire Parole et Langage, CNRS & Aix-Marseille University) allowed ESRs to familiarize themselves with the Arduino open platform for the design of programmable interactive electronic devices. Thierry Legou offered an overview of the possibilities proposed by the Arduino platform in the field of mobile sensors. One of the demonstrations presented consisted in building up and programming a device that makes it possible to record physiological signals thanks to a sensor attached to an electronic card and a micro-controller. This kind of device is usable in studies on social interactions in natural situations.

The ESRs took full advantage of this international, in-person and tailor-made summer school, and frequently took the floor, to engage in rich and dense interactions with the speakers on a wide variety of theoretical, methodological, experimental and technical issues.